I agree that identifying our issues is the first step to healing, but what if you don't know what your issues are? When I began my healing journey over 20 years ago, I had no idea what I was dealing with. Understanding your issues obviously has its advantages, giving you a starting point, but if you're anything like me, you may not know what's going on either. I struggled with what I now understand to be anxiety. Back then I had no idea about it. I also experienced depression and poor physical health, and even doctors didn't know what was happening. It was difficult for me to figure it out on my own.
After working with a naturopath and a kinesiologist, it became clear to me that not all healing heals on all levels. It might have cleared some energy, but it wasn't healing me or providing clarity. My experience with alternative practitioners was difficult due to my blocked trauma. There was even one kinesiologist who got quite frustrated with me because I had no memory of an age that kept testing with trauma energy. It became obvious that I needed something deeply spiritual and powerful to overcome my issues. The popular modalities I tried couldn't dig deep enough. The signals from my body told me that something was wrong, however I didn't know how to connect with energy yet to tell me more and provide the answers I needed.
Ask and you shall receive
My journey to New Wave Spiritual Healing began when I reached the breaking point. In the same way as most of us, I had deep soul issues that spanned many lifetimes with big issues that I could not access consciously. My journey to New Wave Spiritual Healing began when I reached my breaking point. In the same way as most of us, I had deep soul issues that spanned many lifetimes with big issues that I could not access consciously. My life was in transition through a period of spiritual awakening where I craved spiritual guidance and I knew I was born to do this, but first I needed to seek help to heal, and then I needed to learn how to do this on my own. Taking the first step is the beginning of a journey and this was mine.
During this process, I have learned that big issues repeat themselves and need to be cleared from their origins. Everything has a reason, and every reason has a story. What is the origin of this issue? In what lifetime? How did the issue or trauma I am experiencing today come about and who or what was involved? The power of New Wave Spiritual Healing lies in its ability to heal us on all levels.
Our soul issues continually surface due to psychic remnants of trauma or suffering, giving us the opportunity to heal. As multidimensional beings, if we focus on healing only one level of ourselves, namely the conscious mind or the physical body, we are not truly eliminating the root cause of the issue, and it will repeat itself until the soul or spirit is healed.
We must heal the parts of ourselves we cannot see but feel
To do this, we must appreciate the connection between the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being. We must be willing to be honest and look within and recognise the issues that need to be addressed. This is the only way to heal completely.
The act of opening up and allowing someone access to your energy requires trust. Use discretion and intuition when booking a healing session. Personal recommendations from trusted friends are invaluable. Energy healers are not created equal. Each of us is at a different level of healing, awareness and growth. These different levels determine how much a healer can access, how much energy they can clear for you, and how extensive information they can receive. To heal others, one must first heal themselves.
This is a small sample of what you might experience in a New Wave Spiritual Healing session:
Despite being aware of their behaviour, the client could not change it and did not understand why they reacted the way they did. They were constant talkers, always needing to fill silence with noise. It was exhausting, unable to sit comfortably in silence. Filled with opinions but backs down if challenged or asked clarifying questions. A source of distraction and conversation was often childish humour. The session revealed that when this client immigrated to Australia as a child, their soul was disturbed by this move. As a result of the trauma they experienced at the time (now in their 40s), they lost their courage at age 10 (the age of the move) and that is why they can't hold strong opinions; they are not courageous enough, they have no sense of self or courage. Because of this disturbance, their soul was not aware of who they were and their self-esteem was low, so their identity became stuck in childhood. The childish humour and the constant chatter are a reflex of trying to fit in always.
Being unable to reflect on one's identity is a symptom of not knowing who one is
Once this energy was cleared from the soul, the client finally breathed after living in a subconscious pressure cooker of fear. It allowed the client to return to self-discovery, forming their own beliefs and opinions without having to fit in or care about others' opinions. Like a rebirth with all energies intact, including identity and courage. Incredible!
With New Wave Spiritual Healing, we can let go of what weighs us down, blocks us or holds us back. This provides a sweet sigh of relief as we are redirected to our true self and path.
If you would like to learn more about my New Wave Spiritual Healing sessions, Women's Circles, Membership or make a booking, please contact me.